Timeline YSMU – from idea to product

Workshop SER-COL
At the Yerevan State Medical University Hospital a workshop was conducted to present the project to the leadership, main stakeholders, participants of the project, interested personnel, national and international students and clinical residents. Professor Konstantin Yenkoyan presented the milestones of the project, SER-COL device itself and guided how to use it.
Awareness fast track innovation device SER-COL
Visits to school of different regions of Armenia were organized to raise awareness about the importance of science and science related activities and to promote and motivate school age population to be engaged in these activities. Here, we also present the project, tell young generation about fast track innovation devices like Ser-Col. During all these meetings as well as SCAUT related activities we printed different branding materials – Blok notes with SCAUT logo, chocolate bars (at first, for study participants as non-material incentives), water containers to warm hands before blood collection from a fingerstick.
Labonovum BV
Zijakkertje 2
1906BE Limmen
+31 (0)72-8515308

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 831000
Rooswijkweg 1-3
1951 MH Velsen-Noord
+31 (0)251 744100